Santa Claus is coming!
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fix payments
mental accounting
status quo


This research delves into the "seasonal fixed bonus" phenomenon in Mexico, Spain, the United States, and Canada, examining how employees prefer receiving payments during the Christmas season or evenly distributed throughout the year. Two hypotheses explore biases arising from bounded rationality: Hypothesis 1 suggests Mexican/Spanish workers may resist receiving the bonus dispersed throughout the year, while Hypothesis 2 posits American/Canadian workers may resist a reduction in monthly payments for a seasonal bonus. Using a utopic international competition, the study reveals that Mexican/Spanish participants exhibit a preference for end-of-year rewards, partially supporting Hypothesis 1, whereas American/Canadian participants lean towards immediate rewards, partially supporting Hypothesis 2. Statistical significance is found in Mexico and Spain, aligning with mental accounting principles, while the U.S. and Canada show similar trends but lack significance. This implies a potential status quo bias among American and Canadian workers regarding seasonal bonuses.
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